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Breaux Family History

Located in North America, it was the first permanent colony of the French. he was given the term Acadia. The origin of this term has caused debate among historians. Our writers on also write historical essays and reports on the topic of the origin of the Acadians. Read below.

Acadian History

The "Breaux" Family Name

The Family Tree: What Does It Mean?

Family History

Individual Family Units


The starting point of our story is in a place called Acadia in the 17th Century, at about the time when the North American continent was being colonized in earnest by the Europeans of various nationalities. However, one could not locate the Acadia we speak of on present day maps, for it only existed for a brief period of time in historical measures. It died a sad death long before the present time.

The first significant colony in Acadia was established by the French in 1605 at a place called Port Royal, which is presently the location of Annapolis Royal. It was destroyed by the British in 1613 and after a lapse of about 20 years the French organized another effort to renew the colony - this was about 1632. At this time they succeeded in establishing a permanent nucleus of settlers in Acadia, in spite of much internal strife and frequent external harrassment by the British from their neighboring colonies on the American coast. Acadia was subsequently the object of a see-saw succession of French and British rules, determined by periodic British conquests of the territory followed by treaties returning it to the French possession. Actually, Acadia was in a "buffer" going between the primary French and British strongholds.

French settlers continued to trickle into Acadia, particularly after a treaty in 1667 which encouraged a slow but relatively peaceful development under French rule for a period of about 43 years. Finally, because of renewed hostilities between England and France, Acadia was again conquered by the British in 1710 and fell under permanent British rule with a population of about 2100 to 2500 persons of predominately French origin. Most of these people were descendants of the group brought over from France in the period from 1633 to 1638. By treaty, the Acadians were supposedly free to leave Acadia after the British conquest, and under French inducements, most of them sought permission to migrate to Cape Breton. The British refused, however, fearing further buildup of French military influence in the region, as well as the loss of economic services from the basically tranquil Acadians in the conquered land. The British further antagonized the Acadian population by attempting to force them to take the oath of allegiance to the British crown, which required a renunciation of their Catholic religion. The "obstinate" Acadians refused to do so and offered instead a declaration of neutrality with respect to both the French and British and. their allies. The Acadians were willing to submit to British rule as long as their freedom of religion was guaranteed and they were not required to take up arms against their French kin. This issue led to much conforntation over the ensuing years, with the Acadians securing an uneasy truce by means of a qualified oath that basically bowed to their conditions. However, the idea of mass deportation of the Acadian people was ever in the mind of the British authorities and only a spark was needed to ignited the fuse to this unfortunate course of action. This spark began to develop in the early 1750's when the military confrontation between England and France grew more intense, with each side pushing for domination in the New World. A change of British military leaders in Acadia marked the end of British "patience" with the Acadian "Neutrals". Once more, the Acadians were ordered to take the unqualified OATH! After their refusal to do so, the British began the inglorious mass deportation of the Acadian people in 1755.

It should be noted that the French settlers were established in Acadia for over a century prior to the deportation. This time period was certainly sufficient for them to claim an identity of their own, which was independent from France. Their religion, language and many customs were a French heritage, but they successfully underwent an adaptation to a new environment that differed significantly from that of their origin. The Acadians were a sedentary people who grew to love their native land and learned to occupy it in peace with nature and all inhabitants. They earned the respect of the Indian natives - much more than the British - and made every morally acceptable concession to exist with their conquerors. Ultimately, the simple Acadians were misused by both the British and French - as pawns in a political grab for power enflamed by religious bigotry.

During the entire period of British occupation from 1710 to the fateful deportation in 1755, the Acadians continued to grow in numbers at a fast rate. Estimates of populations in 1755 run as high as 18,000, including the outlying areas. The number deported in 1755 is uncertain, but it is believed to be about 8,000. However, the expulsion was not a one-shot affair and over the 13-year period that it continued, a total of closer to 14,000 may have been exiled. The rest of the people escaped deportation (although temporarily, in some cases) by emigrating to nearby Quebec, interior wooded areas, and off­shore islands in the turbulent years immediately prior to the forced expulsion.

Some accounts of the deportation itself reveal a deceitful, cruel and poorly-executed plot, not only to disperse the Acadian people and remove their "threat" to British interests, but also to distress the people as much as possible and discourage continuation of their religion. Families were deliberately separated - husbands from wives - children from parents - young from old. Crowded boat loads of these unfortunate people were sent off under miserable conditions, sometimes after weeks of agonizing delays in departure, further saping their strength. They were deposited at various points along the American coast, the Carribean Islands and across the Atlantic to France and England. Whole boat loads of these exiles were lost at sea, and many who survived their miserable journey died of disease shortly after landing ashore. One estimate places the number who perished at about 8,000 during the whole period, including many new-born children! The survivors of this HOLOCAUST received mostly unfriendly receptions in an environment that was alien to them. Their tribulations were just beginning, however, for many were destined to wander as exiles for many years before regaining a new family integrity.


The present-day BREAUX name was itself the subject of an evolutionary process, and its spelling has undergone various transformation in the time period under consideration. The changes involve some degree of intentional change mixed in with a great deal of unintentional change due to the effects of illiteracy in the period of deportation. There are many present-day members of this Acadian line who are known by other versions of the name - especially BRAULT (in Canada) and BRAUD (in Louisiana). All three of these names have exactly the same pronunciation - i.e. as in "BRO".

One factor having a bearing upon this situation is the fact that there are different rules for pronunciation in French and in English languages. In the French language, the presence of "t", "It", "d" or "x" at the end of the name has no effect on its pronunciation of the name. In the English language, however, these additions can cause considerable consternation to the unaware. The French apparently had a scheme for this different spellings of the name. It seems that they may have used this literary trickery to distinguish different family branches while retaining vocal commonality.

This scheme worked well for the situation in Acadia. The population in Acadia in 1755 was composed largely of the descendants of several dozen original families that were established there over a century before. Since the Acadians believed in large families and early marriage, the population growth was in a high rate. Having different spellings of the name helped also because the French love certain traditional and popular first names - Antoine, Jean, Pierre, Fancois, Joseph, Charles, Marie, Magdaleine, Marguerite, etc. - thereby further resulting in confusion of name ambiguity or duplication.

Prior to the deportation, the Acadians were no more illiterate than any other frontier, farming group in similar situations. They were highly family­centered and education of the young was probably less formal and more fundamental than was the case back in France. Although the French concept of the name identification was somewhat sophisticated and intended for a highly literate form of society, the Acadians probably utilized it to some degree - out of necessity. However, any intentional spelling variations of family names was mostly left indeterminate through the unfortunate fate of the Acadian people. The devastations effect of the deportation upon the education of the young and the Acadian choice of remote, secluded areas for a new beginning contributed to widespread illiteracy; and most could not even spell their own name. Name spelling was thus at the discretion of the individual doing the recording, who did not necessarily know or care about these finer points.

The birth name of the French-born founder of the family was BRAULT. It is believed that it was modified to BROT after immigration to Acadia. Subsequent generations seem to have preferred the forms BRAU and BREAU. The reason for, and time of, the final addition of the "x" to the name is unclear. However, a good speculation is that it may have occurred when the family came to realize that there were identical names in France from remote lines of descent. Perhaps the name BREAUX was thus intended to be distinctly Acadian. In present­day France the most common form of the name is BREAU.

In present-day Louisiana, the distinction between the forms BREAUX and BRAUD seems to be basically a regional one, with the incidence of BRAUD diminishing in the southernmost areas. It is also suggested that BRAUD is the feminine form of the BRAULT name. In 1768, when their journey brought them to this area there were a total of ten separate families bearing the name - four of whom were headed by widows. Most of these families apparantly settled in the Natchez area as designated by the Spanish authorities, except for our family and at least two other headed by males. could it be that the feminine form of the name was adopted by the Natchez-bound group to show recognition for the subsequent raising of the family by the widowed mother?

It is also suggested that the form BRAUD refers to non-Acadians who were descendants of the French in Louisiana before the arrival of the Acadians, sometimes called Creoles. REcords indicate one family in St. Charles Parish under the form BROU, which apparently preceded the Acadians. However, descendants in the latter form exist even today and renders the theory questionable. As these various people became "homogenized" throughout Southern Louisiana and the effects of illiteracy became factored in, the true story behind differing name forms became more difficult to discern.

Some of the forms likely to be encountered by a researcher of the BREAUX family are: BRAUD, BRAU, BRAUX, BRAULT, BREAU, BREAUD, BREAULT, BRO, BROD, BROX, BROT, BROU, BROW, It should be recognized that not all bearers of these names are of Acadian origin. Some may be immigrants direct from France, who arrived in this country either before or after the Acadian exiles; and some may be of Canadian origin, whose ancestors were distinct from the Acadians - although probably related. Similar problems are also encountered with other Acadian names such as Boudreaux, Gautreaux, etc.


The most common form of presenting family genealogical information is through a "Family Tree", which is sometimes referred to as a "Pedigree Chart". The basic significance of the family tree is that it defines who, as individuals, we are - who contributed to our biological make-up. It also shows the history of the specific genetic combinations that have determined our inherited physical characteristics. It also shows the various other family names to which we have become "kin" by the marriage relationship. In our case, the following family names are found in addition to BREAUX: Bourg, Landry, Babin, Mercier, Dugas, Guilbeaud, Trahan, Comeaux, Duon, Boudeloche, Thibodeaux, Hebert, Montey, Broussard, Duhon, Boudreaux, Doucet, Romero, Louviere, Benoit, Delcambre, Peliter, Doucet, etc. A good bit of these names are of Acadian origin, with an exception of a few. The observation "ALL ACADIANS ARE RELATED" came be so true because if we were to extend the tree back all the way to the time of the early Acadian era, it would likely include almost all of the original settlers of Acadia.

A study of the family tree will reveal the degree of kinship, if any, between family members; as in third cousins marrying, etc. These kinships are genetically undesirable, they were not uncommon among the early Acadians in this country. These people were treated badly by the outside world, and they consequently tended to congregate together or their mutual protection and to preserve their religion, customs and language. Having found a safe refuge at last, future generations remained close to their places of birth and among their own kind. Also, in those days travel was not easy and was subject to the dangers of an uncivilized widerness. It was thus, sometimes difficult to find an acceptable marriage partner who was not kin to some degree, especially since the family relationships extended into earlier Acadian history. The moral climate of the bustling New Orleans area was such that the Acadians tended to shy away, remaining content to the remote swamps and woods. The Acadians did inter-marry with the German settlers, who provided morally and physically sound and strong spouses of their own type. There were also many marriages with the Spanish, who came after the Acadians.


The first male in the line, Vincent, had five sons. Each of these produced an average of five more of their own. Had this process continued unabated to the present time, it is seen that there would be about 2 million. However, troubles in Acadia resulted in the loss of some family records, so that exact make-up of later generations is uncertain. There was a significant loss of life in the deportation period and during the hostilities that preceded it, so that many males did not survive to raise families. Also, those who did survive were dispersed over various parts of the world, and only a fraction of these ultimately congregated in Louisiana. The early families in Louisiana were generally very large - perhaps as part of a reaction to the human devastation that was heaped upon the Acadian people. After the death of a marriage partner, it was common practice to remarry and continue procreation to the natural limits (if not beyond, it seems). Several families in this line produced as many as seven or eight sons, and these cases are not unusual in Acadian history. However, a heavy toll was taken by childhood diseases and the harsh conditions of life faced by these early pioneers in the Louisiana swamps.

There is no accurate estimate of the number of counterparts in this country, at present, but it must certainly be measured at least in the tens of thousand, if not in the hundred of thousand. Many of these people have migrated away from Louisiana. The first man in this line of descent who migrated from France to Acadia not only corresponds to a genealogical starting point, but also to the transition of the family line from the "Old World" of North America. It corresponds to the early stages of a new nation - ACADIA - destined to be short-lived but long-remembered. The following will break each family unit of this descent down into its own family unit.


(1) VINCENT BRAULT (BROT) Vincent Broult was born in 1631 in France and was from LaChaussee, a region of Loudun, department of Vienne. He arrived in Acadia in the year 1652, as a single man approximately 21 years old. Vincent was destined to become the "Adam" of the entire Acadian line of descent, bearing his name and it's later derivatives. All family branches - regardless of name spelling - converge upon this one man, since he was the only male member of the family to settle in Acadia and produce descendants. However, Vincent was apparently not the first or only Brault to reach Acadia. The name, Pierre Brault, appears on an early ship list dated April 1, 1636, which described a group of immigrants who left France for Acadia. The fate of Pierre is not known, nor is it known that he actually reached his intended destination.

Although Vincent was the only male Brault (brot) to settle in Acadia, he was accompanied by a female relative (a sister ?), Renee Brot, who was married to Vincent Brun. Vincent Brun originated from the same place in France as Vincent Brault, but he arrived in Acadia about four years earlier (1648). Also, Vincent Brun was already married when he migrated to Acadia, arriving with his wife and two children.

At about the age of 30, Vincent Brault married a 16-year old native Acadian girl, Marie Bourg, as raised a family of 11 children, consisting of five boys and six girls. Marie Bourg was the eldest daughter of Antoine Bourg and Antoinette Landy, who were among the earliest settlers, arriving in Acadia as newlyweds in 1636. They also originated from the same place in France as Vincent Brault and Vincent Brun. Thus, it appears that these early settlers were closely related and associated even before their arrival in Acadia.

The family of Vincent Brault and Marie Bourg was raised in Port Royal, Acadia. The spelling of the name was apparently modified to Brot - perhaps to signify a new beginning in a new land. This new land presented an environment that was distinctly different from Vincent's homeland of France. This new land that they were now living in was Port Royal vicinity and shows the location of Port Royal on the banks of Annapolis River. Port Royal is located somewhat upstream from the Annapolis Basin. Since Vincent was somewhat of a late-comer to an already established colony, he probably settled on the outskirts of the main body of people.

It is probable that Vincent and his sons were farmers, as were most of the Acadians. Farming was not their only occupation, however, since they also fished in season, raised cattle, nurtured fruit orchards, and traded with the native Indians for game from the interior. These people lived frugally in simple homes that often housed several families of close kinship. Although they lived simply, the Acadians were very industrious and could adequately provide for themselves and their large families. They managed to exist proudly and happily within their traditions and religious beliefs, in spite of the constant threats and hostile actions by an outside political force that despised their existence.

The Acadian success in farming as a primary means of livelihood was also a major factor in their ability to develop good relationships with the native Indians. They traded furs and wild game for Acadian farm produce and fish.

Vincent Brot's family was born during a time of relative tranquility in Acadia, mostly under French rule. The family grew at a steady rate after the first child, which indicates that there may have been an infant death with the second child. All of Vincent's 11 children married and contributed to the population growth in various parts of Acadia. His five sons were about equally prolific with their father and spread the family name to just about all areas.

The eldest son, Antoine, was the one who constitutes this line of descent and he migrated to an area known as Pisiquit. The next two son, Pierre and Francois, established their homes in an area known as Grand Pre, along the banks of the River of Canards. Grand Pre is located in Minas Basin and is in the same general vicinity as Pisiquit, though not remote. The two youngest sons, Jean and Rene, remained in Port Royal area - probably settling further down the river.

Vincent Brot died in 1686 at the age of approximately 55. The cause of death is not known, but natural causes seem improbable because of his relatively young age. Also, it may be deduced that his passing away was unexpected, for his date of death corresponds closely with the date of birth of his last child. Renewed hostilities with the British did not begin until 1690, so that lie was not likely a casualty of the major fighting on Acadian soil. He could have been a victim of one of the lesser British raids, however, which were a frequent occurence.

Marie Bourg, the "Eve" of the Breaux family, was indeed a remarkable woman - having borne at least 11 children and exhibiting an exceptional longevity in a frontier environment. She was born in Acadia to pioneer parents and witnessed the development of the land during its finest hour. More than half of her life span of 86 years was spend in widowhood, during which time the responsibility of raising her large family fell primarily upon her. With the help of her sons, she managed to provide the family with its needs and is mentioned in the 1698 census as the possessor of an orchard of 30 fruit trees. She lived to see each of her children become independently established throughout Acadia, which undoubtedly was a source of satisfaction and consolation upon her death in 1730.


This line of descent continues with Vincent's eldest son, Antoine. He was born in 1666 in Port Royal and at the age of 21 he married 17-year old Marguerite Babin, in the year 1687. Marguerite was the daughter of Antoine Babin and Marie Mercier, both of whom were born in France and apparently came to Acadia as a newlywed couple. They also originated from the same area in France as Vincent Brault.

Antoine and Marguerite gave birth to a family of nine children, consisting of four boys and five girls. The eldest son was named Pierre, which begins a problem of name ambiguity. Antoine had a younger brother whose name was also Pierre

Although Pierre remained in Pisiquit, his next-in-line brother, Antoine II chose to migrate to Cobequid. Antoine II had a large family, who in turn had many offspring of their own. However, the fate of most of these descendants was very sad and probably among the worst of all the Acadians. They were among those families who left Acadia before the deportation (around 1750) to seek refuge in nearby Isle St. Jean. Unfortunately, the island became over-crowded in relation to the means of sustenance it offered from its own natural resources. Poor soil mad the existence of these people a marginal one, leaving many undernourished and on the verge of starvation. Their efforts to escape the English were futile, and they were eventually departed anyway. Despite their weakened condition, they were shipped off on a long voyage across the Atlantic to France. Many of them died at sea and of those who completed the voyage, many died in hospitals in the weeks after their arrival. Almost the entire descendants of Antoine II were victims of this fate. A few Survivors eventually reached a final destination in Louisiana many years later, during the expeditions which left France in 1785.

The remaining sons, Charles and Alexandre, settled in Pisiquit, and experienced a different fate. This line of descent continues with the youngest of these brother, Alexandre. Charles and Alexandre were clsoe in age, only one year apart and must have settled close by each other in Pisiquit. The descendants of these two men shared a common fate during the deportation and exile, remaining close together in Maryland and afterwards during the migration to Louisiana. Some of the descendants of Pierre, the eldest son, also are found with this group.

There is no direct information on the life span of Antoine Brote and Marguerite Babin and one can only speculate. Clues from the family chart show that the birth rate of their children is seen to be very constant and ends abruptly, inferring the unexpected death of one of the parents. Considering the events of this time, the most likely deceased would be the father, Antoine. It is possible that he was a casualty of the fighting that took place around the birth date of his last child.


The family of Alexandre Brot is subject to a great deal of uncertainty, including not only the identity of the wife, Marie Dugas, but also the make­up of the family itself. This situation is due primarily to the fact that the church record from Pisiquit were never found. They are presumed to have been destroyed by the British desolation of the area.

Only one definitely identified child, namely, Alexis, was known to have been born of this marriage. Gerald Paul Breaux found in the Archives of the University of Louisiana in Lafayette, Louisiana from documents there that there was another member of Alexandre's family, namely Joseph Honore, who is the next in line for this branches descent.

The definition of Alexandre's complete family is unrealized, as indicated by the unfilled "slots" where additional children possibly existed. It is noted that if some of the empty slots were filled with the names of young unmarried men, they would have been ripe for participation in the conflicts that preceded the deportation. Thus, maybe some were killed, the remain lost to recorded history. The only members of this family known to us are those who the deportation period and gave later evidence of their existence.

The ultimate fate of Alexandre himself and his wife is unknown. There is no evidence to show that they ever reached the American ground in the deportation period. Therefore, it is probable that Alexandre and his wife died prior to 1755. It is obvious that Alexandre and his family descendants lived in a very turbulent area and time period in Acadian history. It is noted that Joseph tionore and Alexis were married to Trahan girls, representing a close kinship among both the Breaux and Trahan lines of descent.


Joseph Honore' Braux was born in 1730-31 in Pisquite, Acadia. Hew was married for the first time to Anne Trahan in 1753. They had one child, Magdeleine who was born in 1751. Joseph Honore' was married for the second time to Magdeleine Trahan, the daughter of Calude Trahan and Marie Tillard Trahan. They were married in 1758-59 and had four children: Joseph Honore', Jr.; Isabel; Marie and Marguerite. Joseph Honore' was the first generation, along with his brother survived Alexis and his family, to migrate to America. The departure began on October were many different and widely scattered destinations. The British's plan was to spread the Acadians among various English colonies in America in order to prevent them from regrouping and returning to Acadia or rallying the French forces at Louisburg or Quebec. A secondary purpose, not proven but possible, was to effect an eventual eradication of their Catholic faith by separating the people and exposing them to the "enlightenment" of English Protestantism.

The ship that Joseph Honore' and his family were on was destined for Maryland. At least four ships arrived in Maryland at the Port of Annapolis over a ten day period from November 20, 1755 to November 30, 1755. The ships names were: Elizabeth, Leopard, Dolphis and Ranger.

The Acadian exile's in the American Colonies suffered deep injury from losing their homes, possession and family integrity. Joseph Honore' and his family were among the more fortunate. They managed to stay together as a family and were in the company of relatives and friends who resided in the same area in Acadia. Maryland was the most favorable of all the places the Acadians were being sent to. There were some Catholics there, of Irish origin, who greeted them with hospitality and charity.

Joseph Honore' and his family are found listed with the group that settled in the Port Tabacco, Maryland area. He is one of ten "Braux" families or remenents thereof who resided in this community. Joseph Honore' was destined to remain in Port Tabacco, Maryland until 17G8 when almost the entire group would migrate to Louisiana. Their primary reason they left was to obtain greater religious freedom.

The entire Breau population of Port Tobacco, with other Acadians, departed in late 1767. The ship they sailed on was an English Brigantine named Ginea. The ship arrived in New Orleans, Louisiana on February r1, 17G8. After a long and turbulent fight with the Spanish as to where they were to locate, they finally resided in St. James, Louisiana.

Joseph Honore' died between the years of 1769 and 1770 in Louisiana. It is not known when his wife died, but she did remarry on January 15, 1771 to Francoise Hebert, the son of Joseph and Anne Marie Poirrer.


Joseph Honore' Breaux, Jr. was born in 1766 in Port Tabacco, Maryland. The first of this line of descent to be born on American ground. He married Marie Felicite Trahan on April 20, 1789 in St. James, Louisiana. She was the daughter of Guese (Joaquin) Trahan arid Marie Duon of Belle Isle en Mer, France. Marie Felicite was born in 1771 in Bell Isle en Mer, France.

    Joseph Honore', Jr. and Marie Felicite had eleven children. They were:
  1. Felicite, born December 25, 1797 and died April 1, 1820 in Thibodeaux, Louisiana.
  2. Marie Claire Marguerite, born September 15, 1799.
  3. Edouard, born May 12, 1804.
  4. Dominigue Honore, born August 31, 1807
  5. Marie Felicite, born June 19, 1809 and died October 10, 1864 at the age of 55 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
  6. Pauline Marie, born June 21, 1812.
  7. Delphine Lucie, born December 13, 1815 and died September, 1859.
  8. Joseph Honore, born August 12, 1790.
  9. Joseph Marie, born November 20, 1801 in Plattersville, Louisiana and died December 2, 1828 in Thibodeaux, Louisiana.
  10. Rosalie Emelie, born August 24, 1793. Rosalie died June 30, 18311 in Thibodeaux, Louisiana at the age of 40.
  11. Marie Magdeline, born August 24, 1793.

Joseph Honore', Jr. died June 15, 1830 in Thibodeaux, Louisiana at the age of 67. His succession is dated February 12, 1831 at the Thibodeaux Court House, record number 1831. Marie Felicite died June 22, 1842 in Thibodeaux, Louisiana.


Dominigue Honore Breaux was born August 31, 1807. He was married for the first time to Elizabeth Albert on May 5, 1828 in Thibodeaux. Elizabeth was born on May 30, 1807 to Nicholas Albert and Madeleine Perina Bourq of Assumption.

    Dominigue and Elizabeth had five children; they were:
  1. Marie, born May, 1829 and died June 7, 1829; seven days old in Thibodeaux, Louisiana.
  2. Pierre Honnore, born June 29, 1830 in Thibodeaux, Louisiana.
  3. Marie, born January 5, 1833 and died three hours later in Thibodeaux, Louisiana.
  4. Adele Honorine, born June 5, 1834 in Thibodeaux, Louisiana and died five months later on November 28, 1834.
  5. Louis Hermogene, born September 4, 1936 in Thibodeaux, Louisiana.

Elizabeth died on June 1, 1937 at the age of 30. Her succession is dated 1837 in the Thibodeaux Court House. Dominigue Honore married the second time to Julie Elmire Boudeloche, who was born on December 7, 1822 to Jean Francois Boudeloche and Constance Thibodeaux. Dominigue Honore and Julie Elmire were married on April 25, 181E2 in Thibodeaux, Louisiana.

    They had seven children. They were:
  1. Marie Arsene, born January 7, 1844 in Thibodeaux, Louisiana
  2. Michel Tragmond, born September 29, 18115 in Thibodeaux, Louisiana.
  3. Joseph Trasimond, born September 26, 1847 in Thibodeaux, Louisiana.
  4. Ovile Edouard, born June 19, 18119 in Bayou Black, Louisiana.
  5. Marie Felicite, born July 10, 1852 in Thibodeaux, Louisiana.
  6. Lomere Erariste, born January 2, 1855 in Houma, Louisiana.
  7. Prospere Dominigue, born April 11, 1858 in Houma, Louisiana.

The 1850 census of Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana shows that Domingue Honore as a farmer and lived in the Bayou Black area. The date of Julie's death is not known, but the records show that Dominigue Honore married for the third time to Josephine Louisiane Clement on November 9, 1863. No date of death is given for Dominigue Honore.


Lomere "Evariste" Breaux was born on January 2, 1855 in Houma, Louisiana. He married for the first time to Felicia Hebert, who was born on May 25, 1855 in Abbeville to Joseph Hebert and Eloise Montey. They were married on June 9, 1874 in the Youngsville Church.

    They had nine children. They were:
  1. Loure, born April 1, 1875 in Youngsville, Louisiana.
  2. Gelease, born November 27, 1876 in Youngsville and died March 23, 1964 in Maurice, Louisiana.
  3. Theo (lheophile)
  4. Noe (Noey) born September 16, 1882 in Youngsville, Louisiana.
  5. Gustave, born September 16, 18811 in Youngsville, Louisiana.
  6. Marie, born August 19, 1886 in Youngsville, Louisiana.
  7. Louise, born June 211, 1881 in Youngsville, Louisiana.
  8. Aminthe, born June 6, 1890 in Youngsville, Louisiana.
  9. Hortaire, born December 29, 1891 in Youngsville, Louisiana.

Lomere "Evariste" married the second time to Marie Daigle on April 18, 1895 in Abbeville, Louisiana. Thirdly he married a Mouton woman and fourth he married Elizabeth Hebert from Minton, Louisiana. The date of Lomere "Evariste" is not given, but he is buried in Maurice, Louisiana.


Gelase Breaux (Angelas) was born on November 27, 1876 in Youngsville, Louisiana. He married Elina Edna Broussard, the daughter of Valerien Broussard and Ozea Duhon on December 1898 - Abbeville Court House record number 18111. Elina was born on February 1, 1899 in Abbeville, Louisiana.

    They had seven children. They were:
  1. Andre, born 1899 in Vermilion Parish.
  2. Agnes (Anais), born February 19, 1901 and died December 16, 1986 in Maurice, Louisiana at the age of 85.
  3. Avery, born December 3, 1903 in Vermilion Parish and died August 23, 1967 of cancer.
  4. Zachary, born November 3, 1905 in Vermilion Parish and died May 1, 1970 in Maurice, Louisiana.
  5. Edler (dit Black), he was a twin, but his twin died at birth. Edler died later in life of a heart attack.
  6. Mayo, born November 10, 1911. He had twins. He died April 2, 1937 of a heart attack and is buried in Maurice, Louisiana.
  7. Otis


Avery Breaux was born on December 3, 1903 in Vermilion Parish, Louisiana, He married Lena Boudreaux who was born on May 10, 1908 to Ovey Boudreaux and Euzeide Broussard.

    They had thirteen children. They are:
  1. Dallas, born October 11, 1925. He married Elise Doucet, who was born on January 6, 1925. They married June 8, 19117.
  2. Burley, born June 5, 1929. He married Annie Romero, who was born on December 12, 1927. They married on February 8, 19117.
  3. Percy, born June 12, 1929. He married Cecile Romero, who was born on August 27, 1931. They married on January 21, 1950.
  4. Hilda, born October 31, 1930. She married Willie Dugas, who was born on March 20, 1926.
  5. Lawrence Paul Breaux, born February 14, 1932. He married for the first time to Theresa Lois Louivere, who was born on December 13, 1935. She died on October 21, 1962. He was married a second time for a short while. He then married Kathy Fuston, who was born on January 17, 19117. They married on June 7, 1982.
  6. Elix, born August 25, 1934. lie married for the first time to Ovide Lucille Leger. He married the second time to Rosemary Beniot, who was born on August 13, 1945.
  7. Macel, born October 3, 1936. She married Perry Delcambre, who was born on April 21, 1935. They married on December 2, 1957.
  8. Wilmer, born July 12, 1938. He married Lettie Peliter, who was born on July 7, 19111. They married on November 15, 1959.
  9. Farris "Happy", born September 20, 1939. He was married for the first time to Gloria Davidson. He married JoniWhite, who was born October 23, 19511, on March 10, 1987.
  10. Mary, born January 23, 19111. She was married for the first time to Chester Duplein. She was married a second time to Francis Chisson. Her third marriage was to Paul Boudreaux, who was born on January 17, 1933.
  11. Vernis "Pee Wee", born May tl, 19113. lie married Mary Hebert, who was born on September 7, 1945. They were married on September 15, 1962.
  12. Ronald, born March 3, 19115. Fle married Beverly Doucet, who was born on December 5, 1946. They were married on June 22, 1965.
  13. Lercey, born May 28, 1947. He married Doloras Trahan, who was born on June 21, 1947. They were married on October 2, 1965.

Avery died on August 23, 1967 of cancer. Lena died on December 5, 1980. It is noted that Lena had two of her children on annual holidays: Lawrence Paul was born on Valentine's Day and Hilda was born on Halloween.


Farris Breaux was born September 20, 1939 in Leroy, Louisiana, the last child born at home. Farris Breaux married Gloria Davidson, daughter of Eunice and Robert Davidson. Farris and Gloria had two children together.

    They are:
  1. David Brian Breaux, born January, 1965. David is married to Maxie Gary. They have two sons: David Brian Jr (DJ) and Sean. David Brian Jr has a son named DJ Breaux, and Sean has a daughter named Layla.
  2. Cheryl Breaux, born March 8, 1967. Cheryl is married to Dwayne Toups. They have two children: Drake and Karlie.

Farris Breaux divorce Gloria Davidson in 1980. In 1987, he remarried Joni Elane White, daughter of Paul Dale White and Joy Rita Broussard. They have one child together: Jarred James Breaux, born Febuary 6, 1985.

Farris and Joni Breaux currently reside in New Iberia, Louisiana with their youngest son. Farris is retired and disabled form long term oil field related work. Joni is a truck driver who owns her own trucks.


I have neither any children nor a wife. Since this is my website, more information about me is located in my ABOUT ME page.

Copyright All rights reserved. Reproduction without the written permission of the publisher is forbidden. All essays and articles are written by Jarred James Breaux unless stated otherwise. The mention of or reference to any person, company, or written material in these pages is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned.